St. Basil Orthodox Church enjoys many talented and faithful parishioners who offer their work and service to God through our ministries. We believe that every Christian should shine the light of their faith in the world and our ministries offer a wonderful opportunity to do that. Below are listed our ministries with brief summaries of each and the ministry leaders. If you are interested in joining a particular ministry, please reach out to a ministry leader and they will be happy to get you involved.
Please select a ministry below for more info.

Adults & Young Adults
Parish Council
The Parish Council is the body of practicing Orthodox Christians elected by the members of the parish for the purpose of working together with the Priest in serving God and continuing the work of His Church on earth. This brief description also describes the fundamental structure of the Orthodox Church; that we, as clergy and laity together, are the “People of God”, seeking by the grace of God and to the best of our human capabilities, to fulfill the mission ascribed to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
A member of the Parish Council is privileged to assume a position of responsibility which demands love and dedication to Christ and His Church. A member reaffirms his obligation to be faithful to the teachings of Christ, and to use his or her God-given talents and energies for the progress and advancement of the parish. The role a member of the Parish Council plays, however, is best understood when the parish is viewed as one part of the total structure of the whole church. We are parishes and members in particular, and yet in Christ we are one body, one family mutually sharing and caring for one another.
The Council is one of the ways the laity of the Orthodox Church share in the Church’s mission of bringing the life of Christ to all people. Parish Councils help do the work of the Church. The “work of the Church” is to continue the work of Jesus Christ in the world.
Parish Council President: Tom Chiarchianis
Parish Council Vice President: Michael Fields
Philoptochos was founded in 1937 with a handful of ladies ready to minister the needs of our parish. Philoptochos is the duly accredited national ladies philanthropic organization of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, and our local chapter is an integral part of St. Basil’s parish. Women of Greek Orthodox faith, at least 18 years of age, are eligible for membership. We have seen the creation of many national projects and have loyally supported these, realized the importance of supporting many worthwhile needs in our community. Assistance is also given to our Church School, the sick and shut-ins, senior citizens, the choir, and the altar boys. May the Lord continue to bless us and give us wisdom and strength to do the work that has to be done in the future.
Mission Statement
The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc. is the duly accredited women’s philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The mission of the Society shall be:
- To help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through fund raising efforts;
- To promote the charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, through instructional programs, presentations, lectures, seminars and other educational resources;
- To preserve and perpetuate Orthodox Christian concepts and the Orthodox Christian Family, and through them, to promote the Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions, in accordance with its doctrines, canons, discipline, divine worship, usages and customs;
- To promote participation in the activities of the Greek Orthodox community, with the cooperation of the Parish Priest and the Parish Council.
The charitable work of the Society shall be performed with discretion, courtesy and kindness.
Do you find joy in giving and helping others? Do you desire to serve? You have a place in the St. Basil Philoptochos.
Executive Board 2023
President Donna Vasiliou
Vice-President Mary Carroll Bandy
Treasurer Edna Fields
Recording Secretary Teri Blum
Corresponding Secretary Vacant
Board Members 2023
Patricia Manuse, Dena Panos, Georgia Perlegos, Dimitra Veziris, & Bobbe Xenos
Ministry Leaders: Donna Vasiliou
Ministry Leaders: Michael & Edna Fields
The bookstore is located in the Church office during office hours and in the office and the hall during coffee hours on Sunday.
In the bookstore you will find Orthodox books for all ages and other Orthodox gifts such as calendars, cards, icons and more!
Ministry Leader: Patty Manuse
Outreach and Evangelism
Our Mission
To share the ancient Orthodox faith with our community. Following Christ’s Great Commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations”, we strive together in prayer and action to create opportunities to share our faith. Hoping to build meaningful relationships as we introduce others to the beauty of Orthodoxy.
Welcoming everyone to church is a part of who we are as a family. Greeting visitors, providing them with worship materials, and inviting them to participate in our fellowship coffee hour after the service. All first-time visitors will receive our Welcome packet and a chance to fill out a follow-up information card.
This is an informational video series created by Fr. Barnabas Powell to introduce visitors and inquirers to the Orthodox faith. It is presented as a four-week event held after our Greek Festival every September. It is held in our Hall one evening a week with refreshments provided in a casual atmosphere.
In the Narthex next to the icon of St. Basil, you’ll find our multi -tiered oak information rack. It is stocked with educational pamphlets for parishioners and visitors. The items are free. Donations are accepted.
Ministry Leader: Terri Blum
Ministry Leaders: Chris Papas & Rick Gaines
Ministry Leader: Demetra Veziris
Ministry Leader: Vicky Papachristos
Please see the official Greek Festival here.
Ministry Leader: Peter Koulouris
Ministry Leader: Patty Manuse
Ministry Leader: Vasili and Demetra Veziris
Ministry Leaders: Matthew Mourad & Tyler Musser
Ministry Leader: Presbytera Angie Sotiras
Ministry Leaders: Ken Jochimsen & Michael Fields
Ministry Leader: Demetra Veziris
Ministry Leaders: George Chimiklis (Chair) & Kathy Walcowic
Ministry Leader: Edna Fields
Ministry Leader:
Jeff Perlegos
Our Mission
To provide an Orthodox community for young adults to engage in fellowship and assistance in personal and spiritual growth.
Every other month there is a young adult gathering at the church or a parishioner’s home where there food, drink and fellowship. Please see the email blast or Basilian for information about the next young adult gathering.
Ministry Leaders:
Jared & Alona Chacon
Please see the official preschool website here.
Ministry Leaders: Brittany Ruhl, Gayle M and George K.
Please click this link to register for Sunday School.
Ministry Leader: Anastasia Cook
Alcolytes – Altar Servers
Young men going into the 2nd grade and above have the opportunity to serve in the Holy Altar during services. This is reserved for those who are Orthodox Christians and is a great honor to be able to serve the community in this way. The role of the acolyte is a privilege and is to be taken seriously.
Ministry Leaders: Chris Papas & Tyler Musser
Ministry Leaders: Demetra Veziris, Georgia Aliferis, Georgia Perlegos
Ministry Leader: Terri Blum
HOPE- Holy Orthodox Primary Education (4-7yrs)
The Holy Orthodox Primary Education, or HOPE, is a ministry of Saint Basil Community. HOPE brings children from 4-7 years of age to learn the orthodox Faith, to participate in the sacramental life of the Church. HOPE gathers the faithful of the Church who share the same grades, ages and common interests. HOPE meets one Saturday a month with JOY.
GOYA (9th Through 12th Grade)
GOYA is a ministry is to strengthen the relationship of young Orthodox Christians with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The program works to educate and edify young members of the Church between the ages of 13-18 or from grades 7-12, encouraging them to become active sacramental participants in the life of the Body of Christ. This ministry offers them the opportunity to experience the Faith, ultimately leading them to Salvation.
GOYA is a friendly mix of fun, fellowship, and education.
The Ministry of Greek dance is an opportunity for youth of all ages to participate in the communal folk dance tradition that the country of Greece has. When joining hands with one another in a line and dancing together, the youth have the opportunity to learn to work as a team and support one another while enjoying this fun activity.
Ultimately, this activity is means which we bring the youth together in a fun way, bringing them ever closer to one another, in Orthodox Christian fellowship, which in turn helps bring them closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.